10 April 2020


Dear Valued Customers,

As COVID-19 continues to be the major concern of all people and many businesses are experiencing a challenging time, we sincerely hope that you, your family members, colleagues and partners are safe and healthy.

At AA Corporation, we are continuing to follow and comply with local government requirements and taking all cautionary actions to ensure our factories, offices and showrooms continue to be a safe place to work. Therefore, we would like to inform you that:

- Our working hours remain as usual;

- AA’s factory productions of wood, metal, glass, stone, finishing, upholstery and laminates are operating as normal;

- AA production remains on schedule and would be able to meet the scheduled delivery of projects;

- In any of our subsidiaries affected by confinement measures, our staff members are reachable and committed to communicate via video conference calls, phone or email;

- AA Gallery in District 09, Ho Chi Minh City is open by appointment only from 8:00AM to 5:00PM. Appointments can be made 2 days in advance of desire visit date. For those interested in visiting, please make an appointment by phone at +84 79 5568099 or email at

As we continue our operations, we greatly appreciate your support for AA Corporation. Please contact us at anytime for any questions or concerns.

Thanks for being a valued client/partner,

Alex Ooi Wee Tat

CEO of AA Corporation